Why Online Popularity Has an Expiry Date

“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”— Andy Warhol

George J. Ziogas
5 min readJun 18, 2021
Image: Prostock-studio/Adobe Stock

Nothing lasts forever, especially online popularity.

Social media has been slated as the worst invention humans created. I understand that opinion, but it has also allowed us to connect with people all over the world. It’s at the center of everything now and whether you’re prepared to admit it or not, we spend a large portion of our days on the internet. There are plenty of positive things that the internet has wrought, but one of the biggest problems is online popularity.

There have been a lot of arguments about whether the age of celebrity is over. I think it is, at least as we know it. Celebrity-focused programs now include people who are internet stars. People who are famous only on the internet now get invites to late-night talk shows. That internet fame may also lead to career avenues that take them into fame. Our lives are now heavily shaped by and around our use of the internet and social media.

Everyone snaps pictures of their food before they eat it because they need to post it for the likes. People go out of their way to complete random acts of kindness only to film it to immediately post online. Or perhaps post in an attempt to be beloved rather than to simply be…



George J. Ziogas

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com