We’re All Going To Die One Day, And That’s Okay

Death is not the opposite of life but a part of it

George J. Ziogas
5 min readDec 9, 2020
Image: olly/Adobe Stock

It’s inevitable. As sure as you were born to walk this earth, you’ll also depart it and there’s only one way to do that. While death is sad, it inevitability carries something beautiful with it.

Death is an equalizer because ultimately, it doesn’t matter how rich you are or how little you had, death comes to all of us. Though, the rich may be able to delay it longer by throwing their money at experimental care and a better quality of healthcare. They can only delay it for so long, though.

With the advancement of science and technology, our lifespans are longer than ever before. In 1860s America, the average lifespan was just 39.4 years old, while today it’s climbed to 78.9.

Okay, so it took 160 years to get as far as that, but even in 1980, it was only 73. So, things have changed and while we’ve found a multitude of ways to stave off the inevitable, death is still inevitable. We may buy some time, we may make our last days more comfortable, but we all die. While there will always be a way to extend life, while there will always be a way to fight it off, sooner or later it’s a battle we will lose. We all will.



George J. Ziogas
George J. Ziogas

Written by George J. Ziogas

Vocational Teacher | HR Consultant | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com

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