There's so much we can leanr from nature mio amico!
~ "It’s okay to be a human being instead of a human doing. Nature teaches us that we should also kick back and watch the world turn sometimes. Just be.
~Good stuff always follows bad stuff
Fog lifts. Blizzards melt. Clouds break. Hurricanes pass. And following that is beautiful weather. Nature teaches us that bad stuff is inevitable, but it is inevitably followed by something lovely.
~ Don’t hurry. When you spend time in the forest, the desert, or near the sea, you really notice that nature doesn’t seem to be in that much of a hurry. The squirrels move at their pace. The birds fly as fast as they feel like. Plants are just there doing what plants do. None of it is rushed. Yet so often we rush ourselves like maniacs. Take a deep breath. Don’t hurry. Be steady."