Incredible Breakthroughs in Biotechnology That Could Save Lives

The transformative power of biotechnology in improving human health and well-being

George J. Ziogas
6 min readJul 19, 2023
© Shootdiem / Adobe Stock

The world of biotechnology advances rapidly daily. Scientific and engineering breakthroughs in medical technology are helping to save many lives. Technology like gene editing and robotic surgery are pushing the boundaries for healthcare. Below are ten incredible breakthroughs in biotechnology that could save lives.

Medical Drones

Getting medicine to people around the world can be a big hassle. Some communities are remote or have limited access to medical care, making it difficult for people in these areas to get the help they need. Flying drones might be the solution to this problem. Zipline, a logistics and technology company, has created special medical delivery drones that can deliver medicine remotely at any location in the world.

These drones can fly up to 160 kilometers in all weather conditions autonomously and deliver medicine in as quickly as 30 minutes. So far, these drones have been employed in a few countries and have flown over 18 million collective miles. They deliver blood units, vaccines, medications, and so on to various healthcare facilities. Drone Delivery Canada, another medical drone company, has…



George J. Ziogas

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't |